Gavin S. K. Lee

Gavin S. K. Lee

Gavin S. K. Lee researches and teaches Sinophone, black and Sino-Afro, US minority, and queer/trans composers, with a special focus on twentieth-century tonal and avant-garde music. In addition to championing underrepresented composers, Lee has been among the first to advance emerging ideas and approaches such as East Asian ways of knowing music, global musical modernisms, global philosophy of music, global music history pedagogy, and queer/trans music theory. His publications include the forthcoming Estrangement from Ethnicity: Music and Sinophone Alienation, and two edited volumes, Queer Ear and Rethinking Difference in Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Music. Lee has collaborated with around 200 researchers in editing two books and three special journal issues, and convening more than thirty conference panels.